April 26

Your Santa Cruz Chiropractor Knows Why Your Sneakers Have Unevenly Worn Soles 

Most folks don’t realize when they start getting minor neck and back pain (as well as regular joint and muscle pain) that their Santa Cruz chiropractor is the best person to call. Why? Well, because a large portion of this type of pain stems from a misaligned body, and this goes for both men and women.

What Do My Unevenly Worn Sneaker Soles Have to Do with My Back, Neck and Joint Pain?

Right now, you may be asking yourself how to tell whether or not your body is out of alignment or not. A good way to do that is to simply take a look at your shoes!

Remember the classic comedy/drama movie starring beloved actor Tom Hanks entitled Forrest Gump? In the movie’s first scene, Forrest (played by Hanks), sits on a city bench waiting on a bus, and a nurse who also is catching the bus sits down on the bench with him. 

Forrest starts talking to the lady, and says “Those must be comfortable shoes…my mama always said that you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes…” Well, guess what? So can your local chiropractor in Santa Cruz!

For instance, if you run every day for exercise, work in a fast-paced hospitality job, or do a lot of walking for any other reason on a daily basis, take a moment to compare the soles of the non-slip shoes you wear during your shift in the kitchen or the ones you wear for your morning jog. 

Are the soles worn down differently? Well, this is one of the things that’s a telltale sign that your body is out of alignment, and our Santa Cruz chiropractors are nearby to help you with that common issue.

Give Us a Call Today at Sawyer Chiropractic to Start Your Bodily Realignment Appointments

You can begin correcting your body’s alignment today by seeing your experienced Santa Cruz chiropractors at Sawyer Chiropractic for regular adjustment appointments. Give us a call today!


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9:00 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
7:30 am - 3:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Sawyer Chiropractic Group Address

700 River St., Santa Cruz, CA, 95060